hey there, I'm arielle and I'd like to welcome you to my little patch of the internet! my husband, mitch, and I are currently living it up on a caribbean island whilst he is going to medical school and I am enrolled in the school of life.

mitch and I still can't believe the powers that be let us get married. simply because we behave like two small children unsupervised at a birthday party 93% of the time. we like watching airplanes land and boats pass. we like cold weather and rainy days. and we love keeping active and doing anything out of doors. mitch is insanely smart and handsome and kind and can best just about anyone at just about anything. I am the sort of person who brakes for birds and spends night after night watching nutrition documentaries whilst drinking my weight in diet coke. together, we make one heck of a pair, if I do say so myself.

as mitch and I travel all over the globe for his schooling, I strive to create a place that feels like home. a place to get out of the rain and get warm by the fire. a place for comfortable conversation and easy randomness. a place for delicious food and abundant sharing. a place for a simple elegance that isn't necessarily bought from a store but created with what's made available to you. here is a peek at our daily life--a celebration of simplicity and growing older.

so please, grab a cup of hot cocoa and stay awhile. you're always welcome.

love, arielle


  1. hey i nominated you & your cute blog for the liebster award! for details check it out here:


  2. I'm so jealous of your Caribbean life! sounds amazing!

    1. it definitely has it's perks! thanks for reading, ever dream!

  3. Just returned from visiting St. Thomas, St. John and Virgin Gorda for the first time!! It was amazing!! Living on a carribbean island-- so jealous! :)


    1. it is definitely such a gorgeous place to live. we've been yearning to do a little island hopping so we will definitely have to check out st. thomas and st. john! thanks for reading!

      love, arielle

  4. You and your blog are too cute! Love your little space on the internet!


    1. davelyn, you are so nice! thank you!

      love, arielle

  5. oooh i envy you! my husband and I went to Grand Cayman on our honeymoon and absolutely fell in love. Do you like living in another country? We are in Nicaragua for my husbands internship and we like it but miss home!

    Just found your blog and love it!


    1. clara! thank you so much for reading. I've never been to grand cayman but I would imagine that our little island is similar. living in a different country is a really cool experience but we tend to miss home more days that I care to admit. how do you love living in nicaragua?

      thank you for getting in touch!

      love, arielle

  6. Great to stumble across your blog. You are very supportive to move around with your Husband, people underestimate how much courage that takes. Looking forward to reading along with you!
