July 04, 2014


patriotic photos found via pinterest

aren't those stars and stripes just dashing? those americans have a pretty handsome flag, if you ask me. now, I'm not naive enough to rattle on and on about how america is the only free country. so many countries out there are beautiful and free, including the one I'm currently living in.  and I know that everywhere has their issues, but I am so grateful for the peace and freedom I am able to experience because I was born in such a rich land. and I don't mean rich in a 'we're-so-wealthy' kind of way. I mean rich in a 'rich-in-experiences, land-of-opportunities' kind of way. after living abroad for six months, that is definitely something mitch and I have commented on once or twice. this july fourth will be spent business-as-usual since, unfortunately, it is not a holiday on the island. we will, of course, eat the customary cheeseburger and hot dog and slice(s) of blueberry pie, but we will watch our fireworks via facetime and do our best to catch a ray of sun or two in between the mister's classes. since you're here, take a gander at this week's 'ten simple things..' as it's been such a great week back on the island.

001 :: grabbing some star-spangled doughnuts. monday, we hit up dunkin for some red, white, and blue frosted doughnuts. tell me what's more american than that? and what is a doughnut without some patriotic sprinkles? or sprinkles, in general, for that matter?

002 :: blueberry picking with my mom. it was so nice to have some time with just her in someplace peaceful and natural and quiet. our relationship is one where we are comfortable in silence or saying whatever is on our minds and it was so nice to experience both instances with her on our southern blueberry escapade.

003 :: finding my way back to sephora. every time I go to the states, this makes the list. I can't help it. and much to the sales peoples' dismay, I probably spent a whole hour in there deliberating colors and asking questions. however, I loved every minute of it and can't wait to test out a few new products.

004 :: making all of my flights without any delays. it seems as though the past few times I have flown anywhere, I have been delayed by at least one night in some airport or another. I was just beginning to believe the skies were revolting against me, when I made every single flight back to the island without a single hitch. and apparently, just before hurricane arther whooshed right into miami. I am a very lucky girl, indeed.

005 :: the new diet coke cans. have you seen them? they are hilarious! maybe I've been gone from the states longer than I thought, but my can told me to share a diet coke with a guy named alex. I just started bursting with laughter. I'm sure everyone on the plane thought I was completely nuts ( which is only half true ), but I couldn't help but think how mitch would respond if I, in fact, shared my coke with some alex somewhere simply because the can told me to. 

006 :: reuniting with mitch in the airport. this one is so very obvious. I missed that boy tremendously and seeing his smiling face as he rushed to help me with my three suitcases rolled by my two pathetic arms ( don't ask me how I managed that all the way through customs ) simply reaffirmed that he is the best husband ever.

007 :: getting back in the kitchen. don't get me wrong, having meals prepared for you is such a treat! but I love to cook. there is nothing quite like taking monochromatic nutrients and turning them into a colorful experience. my apologies; I get a little wistful after chopping veggies.

008 :: feather pillows. mitch's mom sent me home with two feather pillows for mitch and myself. the pillow cases were even dried on the line. it was the perfect little luxury out here in this foreign land where we tend to mention how much we miss 'our bed' ( meaning our bed back in canada ) on a daily basis.

009 :: getting back in the gym. I am the naughtiest "fitness fanatic" ever. I haven't even been for a run in two weeks. with a half-marathon on the way. needless to say,  I made a point to get back in the gym as soon as I could so as to actually prepare for that 13.1 miles of vancouver air coming up in august.

010 :: my country. it is independence day, after all. I am so grateful for the united states of america. I'm grateful for fore-fathers who thought ahead. I'm grateful for the men and women who put themselves in harm's way so that I can live my life so happily. and as a blogger, I'm grateful for freedom of speech as well as all of the other freedoms granted me. wow... I got a little intense just then, didn't I?

so happy birthday, america! I promise you don't look nearly as old as you actually are ;) I hope the rest of you have an amazing fourth of july holiday. or if you're like me and not stateside, I hope y'all have an amazing weekend. full of pie, lazy afternoons, and nighttime bonfires. if you'd like to follow along with my own weekend antics, please feel free to follow me via instagram.

happy weekend, everybody!

love, arielle


  1. happy 4th!!

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    1. thanks for the blog love, girls! I will most definitely check out your blog.

      love, arielle

  2. Great blog!

    1. awww, thanks for reading, gaby!

      love, arielle
