August 19, 2014


eight months in and I figure I'm still considered new by blogger standards. so when arielle ( whose boyfriend is also named mitch, crazy! ) who writes the for the love of sweeties blog nominated me for a second liebster award, I figured I might as well give it another go. you can see my previous nomination here

the rules ::

001 :: post eleven facts about yourself.

002 :: answer the eleven questions given by the person who nominated you. 
003 :: pass along eleven questions of your own to your own nominees.
004 :: nominate eleven people and give them a head's up they've been tagged.
005 :: only nominate blogs under 200 followers.

facts ::

001 :: my favorite color is orange. but like a burnt orange, not a bright orange.
002 :: I really get a kick out of the produce section at the grocery store. and I love chopping vegetables. all those garden colors  and smells just make me giddy.
003 :: I think baths warrant a shower afterward.
004 :: I'd choose the mountains over the beach any day ( close your ears fellow floridians! ).
005 :: I buy my husband bags of doritos ( his favorite ) in exchange for him listening to me complain.
006 :: I'm of the belief that everything british is better. and I'm sure you brits get this all the time, but I could really listen to you people talk all day.
007 :: my favorite food is mushroom ravioli. closely followed by lettuce wraps.
008 :: when I was 14, I dreamed of being a professional beach bum and I am now living that dream.
009 :: I want six little munchkins of my own.
010 :: I break into tears every time I see, hear, or think of bullying.
011 :: you probably already figured this out, but I celebrate everything. and I mean everything.

arielle's questions :: 

001 :: How long did you think about starting a blog before you actually did?
years and years. even after livejournal and myspace had hit their expiration date, it took me awhile to board the blogger train. read through this blog for one month and I promise you'll find I'm quite the laggard.

002 :: What is your favourite restaurant?
any hole in the wall pizza place that gives me plenty of refills on diet coke. or you know, something more conventional like p.f. changs.

003 :: What is your favourite makeup brand?
dior, hands down. I know, I know. I have expensive tastes. but I have not found one flaw with any of their products..other than the price tag.

004 :: Are you an indoor or an outdoor person?
I guess that would depend on the season. in the spring and fall, I'm totally outdoor. and during the summer and winter, I reside mostly indoors. I don't like to be too hot or too cold. go ahead and call me goldilocks 'cause I like to be juuuussttt right.

005 :: How do you wear your hair on a day-to-day basis?
since moving to the caribbean, I have been sporting high and low ponies, as well as braids and messy buns almost everyday. though, I'm still in search of the perfect down do whilst living amidst the hot and humid. help here would be much appreciated!

006 :: If you had to move, where would you want to live?
vancouver, british columbia. no doubt about it. I love the rain, the green, the active and organic culture there. I would move there tomorrow and never look back. of course, mitch would have to come, too ;)

007 :: Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or linguini for legs? This is important.
linguini for legs. admittedly, I think I'm a pretty vain person and I don't know what I'd do if I had to look in the mirror everyday and it looked like noodles. particularly, uncooked noodles. no thank you.

008 :: What does your perfect day look like?
the sky would be drizzly and overcast, I would be wearing a comfortable, slightly fitted/slightly slouchy aztec printed sweater paired alongside some skinny jeans and hunters. I'd have hot chocolate in one hand and a munchkin in the other walking to a favorite bookstore for children's storytime or something. I can't think of anything more idyllic.

009 :: What is your favourite or go-to midnight snack?
chocolate cake. you would be proud, though. I rarely ever give into this temptation. midnight usually comes and goes without a trace of chocolate cake to be found.

010 :: Who or what inspires your personal style?
oh my, it's everywhere! it's colors I see on the ground or in the sky. it's fonts and it's crafts and it's furniture. it's idols and shops and flowers. and embarrassingly enough, it's instagram. frequently, I'll ask myself if something is instagrammable.

011 :: Is there anything you consider yourself a master at cooking or making in the kitchen?
why, yes! chocolate cake. or any cake for that matter. in university, I had a whole semester dedicated to baking and decorating cakes, and I guess it stuck.

my questions ::

001 :: how did you get your given name?

002 :: what's your favorite mode of transportation?
003 :: if you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be ( and why )?
004 :: do you dream of country hills or city streets?
005 :: if you had to workout some way, what would you choose ( and why )?
006 :: what's your favorite beauty secret?
007 :: we've all experienced little miracles in our lives, tell us about one of yours ( one you feel comfortable sharing, of course ).
008 :: if you had to choose one, what is your favorite vegetable?
009 :: are you more of a brunch or breakfast person?
010 :: what is your favorite blog at the moment?
011 :: in an ideal world, where do you see yourself in five years?

take a look at my lovely nominees :: 

001 :: the cashmere kangaroo

002 :: britt & hive
003 :: the what's in between
004 :: owl girl
005 :: broomfie
006 :: rainy london
007 :: from the lion's den
008 :: the peppermint pencil
009 :: amie e
010 :: the teresa nicole
011 :: just like honey.

be sure to let me know when you've answered your questions so that I can see your answers! after all, I am rather nosey :)

love, arielle

**photo courtesy of my friend cydney


  1. Aw, I'm so excited that you accepted! Thanks for taking the time! I especially enjoy your answers to #10, and #6 (being a BC girl)
    You've certainly asked some thought provoking questions for the next round!

    1. thanks so much for nominating me! and I am up in the northwest right now and am seriously in love! I might never leave...

      love, arielle

  2. Thank you for mentioning me! You're a peach! :) I'll make sure to give you a link back at the end of the month my dear! <3

    1. that is so sweet of you, but please don't feel obligated to do so! thanks so much for reading, candy!

      love, arielle
