October 03, 2014


...are nobody's playground. it was just yesterday, in fact, that I contemplated maybe painting my nails and then was all, "mmm, better not" because I'll undoubtedly need my hands for something. and it was true. I had like a million other little things to do before putting head to pillow. and overall, this week has been busy busy busy all around. between work and working out and accomplishing all of those little things that still make you feel like a real person when you get home, I was crashing about midnight most nights ( which is insanely late, for me ) and waking up to do it all over again at 6:30. and between you and me, it was wonderful! I have seriously loved being occupied because it makes relaxing feel like so much more of a treat. and this weekend looks to have plenty of relaxation in store. being the first weekend in october, it's conference weekend! and in our house that means days spent in pajamas with our traditional pumpkin waffles and homemade popcorn. and of course, being nourished by the good word. now, here's this week's very busy simple things...

001 :: dieter f. uchtdorf's talk on a woman's self worth. I absolutely loved this quote and I think it is so appropriate for all of us hanging out in the blogosphere on a regular basis ::

"do you suppose it matters to your heavenly father whether your make-up, clothes, hair, and nails are perfect? do you think your value to him changes based on how many followers you have on instagram or pinterest? do you think he wants you to worry or get depressed if some unfriend or unfollow you on facebook or twitter? do you think outward attractiveness, your dress size, or popularity make the slightest difference in your worth to the one who created the universe? he loves you not only for who you are this very day but also for the person of glory and light you have the potential and the desire to become." 

no matter your beliefs, I think this still helps put what is really important into perspective.

002 :: knitting. it has actually become an unexpected addiction, but I find it's hard to put down. I have seriously been channeling mrs. weasley in the days of late. 

003 :: chatting with mitch's mom monday night. she really is such a positive person and brightens our whole outlook on life now and life ahead.

004 :: the starts of a six-pack...and not the kind you buy from a store, either. I have been so chuffed about the ever-growing definition taking place on my abdomen.

005 :: getting paid. who doesn't love that feeling?

006 :: mitch bringing me lunch after I reassured him that I was capable of making it to 4:30 in the afternoon without it. he really is such an understanding guy.

007 :: sweet potato, black bean, and kale quesadillas. this meal was healthy, comforting, and really is a recipe worth saving. mitch actually came back for thirds and he usually avoids kale at all costs.

008 :: the combination of comfort food and gbbo. after martha left last week, I wasn't sure I was going to like the show as well, but wednesday night I found myself dreading the final episode simply because it will be all be over.

009 :: thursday morning's lie in. after many a 6:30 morning, it was so sweet to just lay in bed with mitch playing with my hair.

010 :: going to see the hundred-foot journey last night. it's finally just playing in our little corner of the world, and I've been wanting to see it for ages! it has seriously made the list of my top five favorite flicks and I don't make an announcement like that lightly. the night was made even better by a a very handsome husband who can go to a movie like that enthusiastically, without complaint, and appreciate every minute of it with me despite the fact it's not really his kind of film. I am one very lucky girl. we even discussed "what it all meant" afterwards over shawarma. truly, a perfect night!

so what were the bright spots in your weeks? I do hope they were chalk full of them. bright spots, I mean. I hope this first weekend in october treats you right and offers plenty of relaxation for you, as well. thanks for stopping by!

a few posts I've loved reading this week ::
flower diy to try // the 60 second bouquet by paper & stitch
how to live minimally by camille styles
custard's interview by the londoner

love, arielle


  1. That quesadilla recipe looks so good -- my boyfriend is actually the same about kale, so maybe it'll appeal to him too! Also I've wanted to see The Hundred Foot Journey for awhile now. I'm not even really a movie person, but your positive review makes me think otherwise.
    Happy weekend! xo

    -E @ amie-eo.blogspot.com

    1. erin, you should for sure go see it and tell me if you like it or if I was just seduced by buttery popcorn and fizzy soda! thanks so much for reading along.

      love, arielle

  2. Kale should never be avoided, Ha! I however love it, and would melt over that recipe, but it's encouraging that he liked it as well! Will definitely have to give this one a try. :) Great post, girl! Xo, Alison


    1. alison, if you're a kale lover, then you will love love love those quesadillas! they were so good! thanks so much for stopping by!

      love, arielle
