October 07, 2014


I've never really done this sort of thing before, but it's a rare day that I find a movie that I love as much as I loved the hundred-foot journey. it instantly jumped up to my top five very favorite movies before it was even half-way through. it's hanging out up there with the help, breakfast at tiffany's, v for vendetta, and the 6-hour version of pride & prejudice. it was directed by steven spielberg and oprah winfrey. and for some, that might be all they need to know because some folks just love their oprah. but if you want to know a little more before purchasing a movie ticket...

this movie really does have it all... it's inspirational. it's a love story. it teaches about responsible money handling and cultural diversity. all the while, remaining funny-to-boot. when this family leaves india after losing everything, they find themselves in the most adorable little town in southern france. the younger son, having learned to cook from his mother, is truly gifted and becomes the chef at the only indian restaurant for miles and miles. a restaurant that is exactly 100 feet across the way from a swanky french restaurant that possesses a michelin star. as you can imagine, this little addition to the neighborhood isn't exactly welcome by the aforementioned french restaurant and most of the locals. many revolt against this ambitious family and they're sort of despised for a little while. until one of the more bigoted protestors takes it too far thereby uniting the community. and at that point, it's just getting started. this charming little tale is well styled, well thought out, and not too convenient--something that I really admire in a film. the characters are complex and they leave you wondering, "why did they do that?" and "what do you think they meant by...?" and on top of all of that, it gives you the urge to hunker down in your kitchen and master the art of french cooking. I know I have really appreciated the time spent in my kitchen since. the simple art of separating an egg has made me feel joyful and grateful. I seriously cannot wait to purchase this flick for my own personal library because I know I am going to watch it again and again!

I definitely recommend giving this flick a watch. it's totally clean, so it's appropriate for the whole family and has so many beautiful take-aways. I think it would be so fun to have a small feast full of indian food, french food, this movie, and good friends. I'll have to put that on the books after it comes out...

have any of you seen the hundred-foot journey? did you love it? I'd love to know below. have a wonderful day!

love, arielle

** photo found via the huffington post


  1. Oh, now from reading this review I have to see it! ;) I love movies that "have it all" - the best kind of movies. :) Xo, Alison


    1. you won't be disappointed! it really is the most amazing story. as always, thanks for reading, alison!

      love, arielle

  2. Replies
    1. you definitely should! and if you do, please let me know how you like it or if I'm just a crazy person who loves any movie that has to do with cooking!

      love, arielle

  3. Wow! I've heard so many great things about this movie just in the past few days... must watch! Thanks for the recommendation:)
    <3 Daisy
    Simplicity Relished

    1. so glad to hear I'm not the only one who's liked it. if you see it, let me know how you think it is! thanks so much for stopping by, daisy!

      love, arielle

  4. Really sounds like an awesome movie, will have to check it out. Thanks for recommending it!

  5. it really is one of my new favorites. let me know how you think it is and thanks so much for reading this little space!

    love, arielle
