so we didn't paint our pumpkin. I was at the craft store looking at various paints and glues and glitters with the assistance of this really sweet high school aged girl and she asked me if I would be eating the pumpkin afterward. I immediately responded that, "no, we aren't because I've already promised my husband that he can smash it." she laughed, but I immediately felt bad. what a waste! I've since changed my mind. sorry hun, but you're not smashing lawrence--that's our pumpkin's name. and he's here to stay for a little while. and then he'll make a tasty batch of scones or these amazing-looking pumpkin chips.
one :: learning to french braid my own hair. it's something I've always wanted to do, but I never thought I'd be able to pull it off and have it look halfway decent. turns out, fifteen minutes in front of the mirror did the trick. or maybe I'm just more coordinated than I used to be.
two :: baking up a huge batch of homemade buns sunday afternoon. I ate them until my stomach couldn't handle it anymore and it was amazing. although, I did have to lay down for the rest of the night. so many buns.
three :: wednesday night's burger. we have been hard pressed to find a delicious, american-styled burger here in the caribbean. we've tried several places and always left feeling ripped-off and a little disappointed. but wednesday night, we tried one at this place called rendezvous and it was amazing! imagine a half-pound patty that tastes like the grill and stay warm for longer than a mere ten minutes. so good. mitch and I quickly turned to the budget trying to figure out how many times we could eat there each month.
four :: mitch in his flannel shirt. in the caribbean, it's a rare day I get to see him in flannel. and it's a shame because he is one handsome man in flannel. okay, okay. he is one handsome man, period. though, I might be a little biased.
five :: a whole day of rain. another rare occurrence. this is what made mitch's all-day-flannel-shirt-wearing possible and I couldn't be more grateful.
six :: running in yesterday's rainstorm. I just love that feeling of running through puddles and squishy grass while falling drops pelt me in the face. it really is one of life's little pleasures.
seven :: it turning darker earlier. it's just one of life's simple acknowledgements that it is finally fall. we have already established that this is the best time of year, haven't we?
eight :: essie's after school boy blazer. it's the most amazing navy blue color and really has me in the fall spirit.
nine :: sugar cookies for breakfast. definitely the best part of being an adult, I'd say.
ten :: my mom's care package got here today! it's been so long since we had a care package. mostly because it took me a seriously long time to sort out our mail situation. like 10 months long.
tonight, mitch and I will settle into a healthy, homemade batch of macaroni and cheese whilst enjoying the final three harry potters. we got terribly behind due to studying and bedtimes, so we'll be pulling triple duty this evening. what about you guys? what are your halloween plans? any fun halloween traditions you care to share? I'd love to hear them. especially if they'll spook up my life a little better because let's face it, my halloween could use a little spooking. happy halloween, everyone!
definitely give these a read ::
the anatomy of a perfect breakfast in bed by my name is yeh
back to ballet by camille styles
around here by hey natalie jean
love, arielle
Everything sounds so cozy! Hope you have a lovely Halloween weekend :) x
it was fantastically lazy. I hope yours was wonderful, as well! thank you for stopping by, erica!
Deletelove, arielle
Hope you two and Lawerence have a beautiful Halloween - and don't feel bad! Sometimes the most beautiful pumpkins are the ones that are au natural. :) Have a great weekend! XO, Alison
haha, thanks, alison! lawrence ended up coming down with the flu so he's not with us any longer. it was pretty sad, actually. but he lived a good life. thanks for reading and for your charming comments!
Deletelove, arielle
The pumpkin chips sound awesome! I'm sure your hubby will enjoy them too!
ReplyDeleteThe Doctor Diva
I really hope so! hope you have had a wonderful week. thanks for stopping by this space, carly!
Deletelove, arielle
I was so busy I didn't get to carve a pumpkin this year, gutted! I wish I could bake, your sound yummy and so good for fall
lauren, that is what bakeries are for! and you never have to worry about how it's going to turn out ;) thanks for stopping by!
Deletelove, arielle
We have a pumpkin on our table but we didn't carve it this year. I also love my husband in flannel, he just looks so cozy and I just want to hug him <3 Happy November!!
Dimples of Dixie
oh man, where is the year going? happy november! and I'm so glad to find others who forewent carving their gourd this year. thanks for reading, emily!