October 24, 2014


have you ever been so lost in a book that you had a hard time getting to those things that some might deem really important? you know, like making dinner, taking showers, switching the laundry. things like that. well that's pretty much what I've been up to this week. I've even come so far as to strategically place my ipad around the house so I can do things like wash dishes without averting my focus. it's actually pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. the rest of the week has been business as usual. maybe even a little humdrum, but I'm not complaining. you have to have those humdrum weeks to counteract those weeks that flash by in kind of a blur. now, here's a few reasons why this week was a wonderful one.

one :: community action day. our church and the school got together this past saturday to clean up the zoo. after the hurricane, it was in utter disarray. so in exchange for some chainsawing and some heavy log-lifting, we were given pizza and a free trip to the zoo! in between runs to the gargantuan woodpile ( because really, who would trust me with a chainsaw? ), I was able to snap a few of the goats who were just running wild ramming all the passersby. regardless, I still think they're pretty darn cute.

two :: pandora's playing george ezra, birdy, and hozier. it's the perfect wake-up-and-eat-breakfast music,  the perfect clean-the-house music, and the perfect online-shopping music. definitely set up that station on pandora and give it a listen!

three :: the multiple red, pink, and blue sunsets that we have had this week. it has been so lovely to ohhh and ahhh at them with mitch by my side from the comfort of our sofa.

four :: a nine-hour day. I actually began to feel a little like a real adult by the end of it. a rare feeling these days ;)

five :: mitch bringing me lunch on said very grown-up-nine-hour day when I was right at the peak of hunger.

six :: a clean house. given, it was me who cleaned the house, but it still feels so peaceful to have mise en place in my life.

seven :: finally figuring out google analytics. okay, so mitch figured it out. another blogger recommended that I set this up at the beginning of this year, but when I tried it was in spanish and I don't speak spanish and could not figure out how to get it to go to english. 

eight :: binge-watching scandal in the evenings. in the midst of so much seedy television, it is fairly tame and is it just me or does olivia pope dress rather fabulously? and she's gorgeous, to boot!

nine :: mitch's and my impromptu gelato date last night. so very often, it's hard to remember that medical school isn't the only thing going on in our lives. it was so nice to get out and catch up and reassure ourselves that you know, we're still head over heels and all that.

ten :: this country road video. I've watched it again and again and it makes my heart happy because even though I'm missing out on fall and all of its festivities, this video reminds me that I'm still having a pretty cool experience down here in the caribbean.


wasn't that just lovely? this weekend will be full of late-night reading, a harry potter movie marathon in honor of halloween, and lots of time in the sun. what are your plans for this upcoming weekend? I hope they are full of hayrides and apple cider and maybe a bonfire or two. live out my fall fantasies for me, you guys.

definitely have a look at these posts from the last week ::

5 steps for tackling anxiety by cupcakes & cashmere
home makeover : a safari chic nursery by lauren conrad
abm studio : the styling room by a beautiful mess 

love, arielle


  1. Thanks for sharing all these - will definitely be taking a look at some of them this afternoon! And I love that C&C article about tackling anxiety. She shared some really wonderful tips! :) Have a great weekend. Xo, Alison


    1. c&c is always the best! there are so many great reads on there. and as always, alison, thank you so much for reading! it means the world.

      love, arielle

  2. Aww a gelato date sounds IDEAL! It took me a while to get on the google analytics wagon as well but now I find it addictive!

    1. I know, right!? it's hard not to just sit there all day clicking through the different stats. probably not the most productive use of time, though, thinking about it now! thanks so much for reading, polly!

      love, arielle

  3. Google Analytics is so helpful! In English of course :)

    1. true story. it didn't do me a lot of good in spanish. but it is definitely a regular pasttime now!

      love, arielle
