October 20, 2014


 ...were ginormous! by far, the biggest waves I ever saw. a product of hurricane gonzalo's aftermath, I'm sure. there was something about those waves that made mitch and me start using words like "stoked" and "gnarly," which so isn't us, but I think I understand the west coast a little bit better now. 

admittedly, I was a little overconfident as I was stepping into the water with the sole intention of getting my hair wet. I grew up on the gulf of mexico--fighting off strong rip currents and body surfing my way back home--so I really, truly thought I could handle myself. but those waves? they were kind of intense. of course, mitch was like a kid in a very salty candy shop. as for me, I was getting thrashed around like a jelly fish losing all of its tentacles in my quest for land. and later, after the sea had spit me out with scrapes ( yes, scrapes ) all down my legs and two pounds of sand in my swimsuit bottoms ( tmi? ), I laid down and took a nice, long, deserved nap on the seashore.

as for the rest of our weekend, the only way to describe it is easy. we finished one series on netflix, mourned its loss, and started a new one. speaking of which, have any of you guys seen scandal? it's pretty intense. we are already through the first season, which is sort of embarrassing now that I think about it. and what would a true lazyish weekend be without a night of homemade pizza and caramel apples? not a very good one, that's for sure. and the best part was that mitch sort of ignored studying and played all weekend long. 

kind of amazing. and unheard of. it's like we get to know each other all over again.

I hope all of your weekends were just as exciting and easy as ours was. and I apologize if you're so over beach views. truthfully, this is what we look at everyday and there isn't much else to choose from. have an amazing monday. oddly enough, I'm pretty excited about it.

love, arielle


  1. Amazing pictures.Love the clear water.

    1. thanks so much, andrea! it's true, I have never seen clearer water than down here in the caribbean. going home to the gulf seems sort of dingy and swampy, now. thanks so much for reading!

      love, arielle

  2. Absolutely gorgeous pictures! I would have been afraid of the waves I'm sure - but I didn't grow up by the water and had a mom who was very "mindful" of the ocean ;-)

    La Joie de Vivre by Alecia Mariana
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    1. honestly, you do have to be so careful in the water! you're mom was right to be cautious. I was probably just oblivious growing up. these waves definitely freaked me out a little bit. as always, thanks so much for following along, alecia! it seriously means so much.

      love, arielle

  3. So jealous of you beachin' it right now! There is something so tranquil, yet exciting about being on the water. Enjoy girl! Xo, Alison


    1. thanks, alison! it's funny, but I'm so jealous of you all actually enjoying the seasons. though, the view isn't too bad here...

      thanks so much for reading along!

      love, arielle

  4. I don't think I'll ever get bored of beach views! Especially as I am nowhere near a beach in London, so need to stare at other people's beautiful photographs instead :)

    1. oh, how I would love to be in london! I've heard it's so gorgeous in the fall. enjoy it all for me and thanks for reading this little space, polly!

      love, arielle
