November 07, 2014


source :: vrai & oro, found via pinterest

it's been a tough week for us. a good one, but a tough one. it's not surprising since it is block week, the week that mitch shuts himself away in a study carrel for days at a time, only coming up for food every now and then. it would not have been so tough except that I am running out of things to do and subjects to talk to myself about. and I'm only sort of kidding. I swear I'm getting crazier by the day and it is high time that mitch takes those tests and starts talking to me again before I have to be committed. regardless, I was still able to pull a few bright and shining moments out of this week and here they are. 

one :: binging on leftover candy corn. in the end, it actually gave me a horrible stomachache, but as I was lying on the bed regretting every last yellow, orange, and white bite (you have to eat it by color, you know!) I felt incredibly childlike and american and it was every kind of lovely.

two :: finally catching up with my best friend. it was short (due to our sometimes sketchy island internet connection), but it was sweet and I don't think she really grasps how much I miss her. I'm seriously holding out for the chance to live in the same town as her one day.

three :: getting out of bed at 7:00. setting an alarm really does wonders for productivity, doesn't it? I find I am getting so much more done and feeling so much more awake despite the fact I am actually getting less sleep.

four :: ordering chinese takeout for the first time since mitch and I have been married. it always looks so very grownup and so perfect for a night-in in the movies that I can't believe it took us this long to jump the bandwagon.

five :: being called in for extra shifts. it's so beautiful to pray and hope for help financially and then be given extra opportunities to earn money. it's like there's someone looking out for us or something ;)

six :: looking through the home decor section of pinterest with mitch. it's one of our favorite past times when we're tired of netflix and it's the perfect way to wind down after a busy day of (him) studying and (me) reading/blogging/netflixing/exploring.

seven :: figuring out my skin. for months my skin has been kind of finicky and so I swapped my sephora bought facial cleanser for a drugstore variety and in an instant, my skin improved. I'm pretty excited about it since it had been bothering me for quite some time.

eight:: witnessing two shooting stars in one night! I almost didn't dare go inside because I was obviously in the right place at the right time. I should have picked up a lottery ticket right there and then.

nine :: finding stores on the island that sell sweaters. it was a pretty exciting moment that I almost squealed like I was half my age. also, it was a pretty wonderful feeling to have the sales girls greet me with "bonjour!" and pay for my spoils in euro. I felt very cultured. 

ten :: successfully parallel parking the car without having any sympathetic onlookers offer their assistance. as you can probably tell, this has happened multiple times before.

and can I just point out what lovely weather we're having? it's breezy and cloudy and looks as though it will rain any moment and mitch and I are loving every minute of it. fingers crossed it remains like this the whole weekend. though, I would like to remind the weather that we need clear skies come tuesday. mitch's parents are coming into town and beach lounging isn't nearly so fun without the sun. happy weekend, everyone! and as always, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading.

definitely give these a read ::

comfortable clothing (that's still stylish) by cupcakes & cashmere
a guide to undone waves by a little opulent
lakeside in weggis by gal meets glam

love, arielle


  1. So sorry about the candy corn giving you a stomach ache (but it's delicious, isn't it???) But super cool about the drugstore cosmetics! So glad the package made you smile. =)

    1. it really did! thanks so much!

      love, arielle
