February 09, 2015


calendar :: vikki chu for anthropologie (sold out)

this past week was such a pleasant, but albeit, busy one! full of long days at the 'office' and plenty of life laundry! friday morning, I actually took my car in for its biannual inspection all by myself. no one even skipped me in the line! it was a good day and I was pretty chuffed with myself, so I rewarded myself with a chocolate croissant. okay, so the croissant may have come before the inspection, but it was only to subdue the nerves. I still can't believe how incredibly nervous I felt! like waiting-in-line-at-the-dmv-to-get-my-motor-vehicle's-license nervous. but despite the fact that the car was out of windshield wiper fluid, it passed with a "good enough" and I rewarded myself with a putter around the craft store for a solid half hour or so before I had to go manage other productive, grown-up activities. but still, a fairly successful morning!

now, can you believe it's february? can you believe a week in february has already long since past? can you believe it's almost valentine's day? can you believe that means second block is just around the corner? oh, where does the time go?! I'm not complaining. there is loads to look forward to in this shortest of months. I'm just saying, time flies. so about that whole february thing, it seems a little obvious what its whole focus should be--love, obviously. but I feel like there's a lot to be said on that subject. love your neighbor. love yourself. love your life. but ultimately, do all things with love. there have been times in my life where I'll occasionally get so bent out of shape about something that I'll just let my tongue lash out at them (usually to mitch or in the car by myself because confrontation gives me a bad case of the shakes). but as momentarily indulgent as this may be, I feel like this is neither therapeutic nor fair. in most of these cases, I end up exhausted and worse off for having spent a good 15-20 minutes ranting about who did what and how unfair I found it. and the saddest part is that because I said it to mitch or just myself, I didn't even give that person an opportunity to explain their side of the story! I'm terrible. maybe they're going through something really awful or haven't had their diet coke that morning. or maybe they're just hungry. so here's my suggestion to myself, and to all of you who are you're looking for something to work on this most glorious of februarys, do all things with love. look at everyone as though you love them. like they're someone very precious to you. because truth be told, they're someone very precious to someone, amiright?

just one second while I put away my soapbox. okay. this weekend sped past every bit as fast as the week the proceeded it and my only real recollection of the whole thing is the delicious lambchops I made for the first time last night (it's taken me years to get over the fact that their called lambchops!) and this unshakeable nagging feeling I've been getting to chop my hair, which has been the topic of many long, drawn-out conversations between mitch and me and we both go back and forth on it so often I can't even remember what our last consensus was! all I know is, I'm feeling very snippy over here. how was your weekend? are you all ready for monday? I surprisingly am, even if it is only for the sole purpose of getting junk done. happy february, you guys! thanks for reading!

love, arielle

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