June 10, 2014


this week, I'm moving my life out of doors. I only have one week to become the darkest girl to ever escape the caribbean and re-return to canada. you see, last year during our family vacation in montana, mitch's grandfather and I made a bet. I don't really remember what the prize was, but I do remember the actual wager. I bet him that I would be darker than him by summer's end. I lost miserably. his grandfather is the sort that can mow his lawn in the morning and be golden brown by lunch. by all accounts, it's totally unfair. however, I'm resilient. and I didn't live in the caribbean then. so as far as I'm concerned, the bet is back on. plus, coming back from the caribbean white as a ghost is borderline inexcusable.

so with this in mind, I have moved even the most mundane activities outside trying to wrack up as many sunbeams as humanly possible. even creating this flower crown. I have had the materials for weeks, but have only now just gotten around to assembling it. picture me by the pool, floral tape and scissors in hand receiving many curious (maybe even judgmental) glances from pool-going onlookers. I think every blogger has had a moment (or ten) like this, yeah?

 what you'll need ::
a mess of flowers (two varieties)
a string of ivy
floral wire
floral tape
ribbon of choice
wire cutters (or I just mercilessly abused my scissors)
clear scotch tape (if needed)
hair spray
** you can use real or silk blooms. because I live in the caribbean where flowers wilt within the hour, I went with the more durable variety.
step 001 :: fit three floral wires to your head. three just makes the base less flimsy. for my head, I needed about one-and-one-half of the 18 in. precut wires. to connect them, I wrapped floral tape around and around until I had one long wire. you can twist and shape it into anything you want, but keep it straight once you are ready to pile on your blooms. I refer to this as my base layer.
step 002 ::  I bought my flowers in lines, so it made this next part a little easier than if you are just adding individual blooms. but line up both your base wire and your bloom wrapping floral tape around both to combine them. the tighter you wrap floral tape, the easier it sticks. continue doing this for every layer--your second set of flowers, ivy leaves, or any other foliage you're wanting to contribute. when adding your layers, think biggest to smallest.

step 003 :: tie ribbon to one end with enough hanging down that you can tie a bow to fasten the crown when you're finished. continue to wrap the ribbon in between the flowers and leaves and whatnot until it comes around to the other end. it should resemble a circle now. tie another little knot on this end and finish by tying these ribbons into a bow.

step 004 :: if you have some areas where the floral tape looks loose or is coming undone, wrap a little clear scotch tape around it so as to up the quality of your handmade floral crown. also, spray with a little hair spray (the sticky kind) to keep your arrangement styled just the way you like.

I looked into several other bloggers' tutorials for a diy flower crown, and if we're being honest, theirs turned out so much better (you can check out my two favorites here and here). I chalk it up to availability. number 45 why I miss the states--the numerous craft stores.

I hope all of you are set to have a wonderful week! I have my hands full planning a church event for this upcoming saturday. plans that I am making outside, of course. be sure to follow along with my weekly this-and-that via instagram!

as always, thanks for reading! 

love, arielle


  1. That's a pretty flower crown. Careful with too much sunlight. It's not really healthy to over soak in the sun.


    1. I know you're right. I really should lay off..but living in the caribbean has been too tempting to say no :( as always, thank you for reading!

      love, arielle

  2. Such a pretty flower crown! Thanks for the tutorial :)

    1. you're so welcome :) I love when I can be a little crafty even on a caribbean island. and thanks for stopping by, chelsea!

      love, arielle

  3. Aw, I'm always a fan of floral things! This is just the cutest!!!
    xo TJ


    1. me too. I'm a total sucker for the flower crown trend. is it too weird to where it, like, everywhere? thanks for stopping by, tj!

      love, arielle

  4. Wow! You really are a crafty girl lately! (I read backwards, from Thursday to Tuesday!) Love the flower crown. I'm sure I need one for something... So cute!

    1. thanks! I'm still trying to justify wearing it to the pool. not sure if that's inappropriate or not..? thank you for reading!

      love, arielle
