June 11, 2014


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father's day is one of those holidays where you can buy your guy anything you want. for christmas and for birthdays, they get a say. but not father's day. you get them the gift you are wanting to give them. even though mitch and I are still without children, we still honor each other in the age-old tradition of father's day. you know, since he's the father of my future children. and I get my turn at mother's day. but this post is about those amazing and wonderful men in our lives--husbands, brothers, fathers, grandfathers. they are all fathers and future fathers, so why not celebrate them all? I am so grateful for the many men in my life. my brother for continually being an awesome bro and having my back even when I don't deserve it. my dad for teaching me so many valuable lessons and for the countless sacrifices he's made for me over the years. my father-in-law for his sense of humor and wise understanding. my grandfather-in-law for his example of hard work, dedication, and spirituality. and of course, my amazing husband for his unwavering love, his unconditional kindness, and his playful disposition. these men are so important to me, just as I'm sure your circle of men are equally as important to you. so let's salute them this father's day. and maybe give a gift or two...

001 :: this michael kors watch. I almost want one for myself, it's so stunning!

002 :: a shaving kit. I've been urging mitch to purchase one ever since we saw the last james bond movie. so elegant.

003 :: a new pair of board shorts this swim season. I am loving everything nautical this summer, and these trunks are no exception.

004 :: a sweet pair of kicks. this pair goes great with jeans. a rare quality, I've found.

005 :: a checked dress shirt. I'm really digging fun-colored checks and stripes this summer. who says traditional can't be fun?

006 :: a classic belt. no man can have enough of these. and no man can ever remember to pack one whilst traveling, either.

007 :: dog cuff links. although we appreciate all of god's critters, we are one big family of dog people. enough said.

008 :: bvlgari man. this is my absolute favorite fragrance for mitch.

009 :: this rag&bone backpack. a definite splurge item. but this retro style has me weak in the knees.

010 :: eccentric socks. these are for that guy who always mixes it up. you know who I'm talking about.

011 :: an original tie. in a world where men where white shirts and slacks, this really is their only outlet for individuality. get the guy a new tie.

012 :: this mountain hardware windbreaker. for those of us who would like to think of ourselves as outdoorsy, this windbreaker would simply seal the deal. and you can never go wrong with mountain hardware.

013 :: this rag&bone wallet. again, a definite splurge.

014 :: lstn headphones. just because your man doesn't want background noise to his background music, doesn't mean he doesn't want to do it in style (too many negatives?).

015 :: a quirky mug. one that reminds him just how lucky he really is ;)

016 :: wingtipped shoes. hashtag new-obsession. so classic in such an understated way.

or even if you can't do gifts this year, make sure all of the many men who mean the most to you know they're loved. these guys sure are special and you wouldn't want them to feel unnoticed. happy wednesday! we're halfway through our workweek!

love, arielle

disclaimer :: I know my lists get pretty pricey. if we're all being honest, I can't afford a lot of the items on my own lists (hello, my husband's a medical student). they're merely ideas. ideas that you can probably find with a smaller price tag somewhere else. please don't think I'm super hoity toity. far from it. I rocked costco yoga pants all day today. yikes.


  1. I never thought of it that way, I guess it is true that guys get less of a say in what they get for Father's Day (my poor dad got ties for about 3 years in a row). I love the MK watch myself as well; maybe you can buy it and borrow it sometimes? ;)


    Another Beautiful Thing

    1. of course! send it back and forth on alternate weekends? and my dad can totally empathize with yours. growing up, I never got any more creative than a tie. so sad. thanks for reading, brittney!

      love, arielle

  2. That shaving set smells so good! <3

    Sweet Madame Blue

    1. good to hear! I will be finding out after father's day. thanks so much for reading, allison!

      love, arielle

  3. Love all of these ideas. The blue watch is my favorite.
    I've love to hear your thoughts about my latest post. :) http://www.fashboulevard.com/

    1. mine too! I always enjoy your blog, fash. thanks for reading!

      love, arielle

  4. Great ideas - my dad would like all of these!

    1. thanks, lauren! so glad you like them. nordstrom is always a great one-stop shop for any gift giving needs :) thanks for stopping by!

      love, arielle

  5. Great ideas!
    unfortunately this year i won't be able to spent time with my dad on the father's day as i live abroad but maybe i will be able to make it up to him with one of those amazing gifts!

    1. oh no! but I do think that's a good idea. I haven't been with my dad for father's day in 5 years, so I totally know how you feel! send him your love from abroad and make him feel special anyway. thanks so much for reading, weronika!

      love, arielle

  6. Oh, goodness! Father's Day already? Where has the year gone? Great choices, BTW. I'm off to shop!

    1. I know, right? where has the year gone!? thanks, as always, for reading! you're the best!

      love, arielle
