June 26, 2014


 you know your life is good when you don't even want to stop and blog about it. there is something wonderful to be said about living in the now and simply enjoying life with friends and family. at least, that is what I told myself during my serious bout of neglect for the blog this week and last week. but in all seriousness, it really has been a blast! alberta is absolutely gorgeous. because of all the rain (that I previously mentioned on saturday), the grass is this fierce shade of green and I love stopping to breathe it all in. canada is where it's at, and there is a very big and real part of me that cannot wait to move back here at some point. but alas, that is ten years down the road. so let's talk about right now...

friday evening, we started a little bonfire in mitch's parent's firepit. okay, correction :: mitch's sister started a little bonfire in mitch's parent's firepit. that's whose hand you see in all of these snaps. and couldn't she be a hand model? no scrapes or scars or anything. I didn't have to photoshop them at all! admittedly, this is very unlike the photos I take of my own hands. back to the bonfire. I made myself useful in that I documented it for her posterity and attempted to keep the kittens from climbing on in. without shame, I'm pretty terrified of fire, which is quite ironic for a culinary minor, but there it is. 

a bonfire was at the top of my list for this little canadian get-away. we roasted wieners and marshmallows and ate our weight in watermelon whilst laughing and story-telling by the fire. truly an ideal way to kick off summer, (which it officially is, by the way. crazy!) here are a few additional adventures on my list, both completed and undone ::

hike wall lake in waterton national park
eat poutine
go to the temple
say goodbye to brassy blonde tresses
run in the rain
run in the sun
finish a whole book (I'm a sucker for chick-lit)
spend a day in my mother-in-law's garden
shop, duh
drive through logan's pass
go to costco and buy dinosours

for one week, I accomplished quite a bit, I'd say! the rest can be left for the next adventure to this wide expanse of mountain-meets-prairie, which should be sometime in august. today, my amazing mother-in-law and I are driving down to montana as that is where I am flying out of friday morning to visit my own parents before flying back to rendezvous with my amazing husband on our toasty warm caribbean island. I really hope all of your week's have been full of the kind of fun that makes y'all forget your own blogs, too! or maybe you're more devoted than I am. as always, thanks for sticking around :)

love, arielle


  1. Wow, these are beautiful, beautiful photos. I'm definitely going to become a regular reader of your blog - what a magical life you seem to lead!


    1. oh nora, your kind words made my night! thank you so much!

      love, arielle

  2. Sounds like a great week. As for me, I can't wait to see you. Soon. Very soon.

    1. I can't wait to see you, either! bring on another little adventure!

      love, arielle
