( the neighbors' have the cutest little set-up for munchkins, don't you think? )
the title is somewhat misleading since the whole world is pretty much my home at the moment, and I am not complaining. my husband calls our little resort apartment in the caribbean home. my mom still refers to my childhood house in florida as home. and my mother-in-law refers to mitch's house growing up as home. and the wonderful thing is, is that they are all entirely right! although, I do sort of subscribe to the notion that 'home is where your husband is' so I suppose the caribbean takes the cake. less than a week until I see that handsome stud again ( can you tell we're in love or something? ). however, I have fully enjoyed my week or so in canada and my day in montana. mitch's grandparents' cabin is so warm and inviting and cozy and it seems a shame we're only staying one night here. but alas, one must always return home. wherever that may be for the present. my ten simple things is remarkably, well, simple this week. enjoy!
001 :: kendyl's wedding ( pictures coming soon ). the bride was beautiful as was the reception. it was a fun day of family and celebration for kendyl and paydon. best wishes, you guys!
002 :: evening walks with my mother- and father-in-law. as the sun was just going down, pinks and reds and purples cascaded through the sky and it was jaw-dropping. we walked and walked and talked about beautifully peaceful and spiritual things. I hope to make my future one of long sunset walks with great company.
003 :: saying bye bye to my brassy tresses. don't tell me you didn't notice. they were pretty hard to miss. the only girl I trust with my hair lives up in alberta, so every so often when I go back, I have her set my hair to rights. she does such an amazing job! and she is really great company to boot.
004 :: milkshake upon milkshake. this week, I have sort shut up that health-conscious part of my brain and just let my taste buds do the talking. in turn, this has included lots of milkshakes since the weather has been so nice. being a nutrition major, I tend to focus on the caloric content of food. sadly, splurging ( like milkshakes and macarons and chocolate croissants ) always leaves me feeling a little guilty. but during this visit north, I have thrown my waistline to the wind. something that I will literally have to do when I return home to work off the pounds I've put on whilst on holiday.
005 :: an afternoon in the garden. I love to just soak up the sun with my arms elbow deep in soil tilling and planting and digging and weeding. my mother-in-law keeps a beautiful garden and she and I spent an entire afternoon just watching gophers make mischief while we tended the flora.
006 :: all of the sweet things the mister says to me over facetime. I guess it's true what they say..'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. it's like we are teenagers again texting and waiting for each other's calls. and boy, do I miss him!
007 :: visiting a bookstore. something I really miss about living stateside or even canada-side are those afternoons or nights spent perusing new bestselling novels and even novels of the more obscure variety. it was so refreshing to explore new books with a fellow bookworm ( my mother-in-law ).
008 :: driving in the rain down to montana. by now, you should all know that I prefer drizzly rain to sunshine. odd, I know. it just puts me in this state of relaxation and warmth despite the fact that without the sun, I am usually a little chilly. but with low-hanging clouds trapped in the gigantic evergreens of the mountains and drizzles all around, it was hard not to add that drive to this week's list.
009 :: browsing through housewares at target. I really am like putty in that store's hands ( if it had hands, you know ). it just makes me excited for the future and to finally nest in a home all my own.
010 :: the momma deer with her baby fawn. as we pulled into the cabin, we saw the most adorable sight of a momma deer ushering her fawn across the small road. the yearling had all of his or her spots and they lingered long enough for us to stop and admire them. majestic creatures are all around these parts and I never stop gawking and awing at them.
and I'm embarrassed, but I have no blogposts to recommend this week. not because there weren't any. I'm sure there were plenty and I simply missed them. typically, I refer to my morning perusal of my bloglovin' line-up as 'reading the news,' but I was simply too caught up in my holiday to stop and admire all of the lovely blogs I follow. every so often, I believe this is a good thing--to just soak up all that is immediately in front of you. I hope all of your weeks' went well and that you all enjoy your weekend!
love, arielle
Exquisite photos. I love your attention to the little details. It sounds like you are having the most wonderful holiday. Time to relax and to just take your time is so undervalued.
oh nicole, you are so sweet! thank you. I find nature very easy to snap shots of, so I really can't take much credit. my holiday in canada/montana/florida has been so nice, but I'm pretty excited to get back to the caribbean day after next :) thank you so much for reading. I took a gander through your blog and loved it, as well!
Deletelove, arielle
Lovely photos. Beautiful writing as well. I enjoyed reading them :)
shyree, thank you so much for your sweet comment! I love so many of the fourth of july finds on your blog, as well! really great choices. keep in touch!
Deletelove, arielle