July 01, 2014


oh, I don't know how to describe my feelings for canada. growing up, I always told my parents, my siblings, my friends that I would one day marry a canadian. after many successful family vacations to vancouver and a few wonderful experiences hiking in banff, I decided canada was where I belonged. plus, the people really are as nice as the television makes them out to be. queue mitch. when mitch and I met, I didn't immediately put two-and-two together that he was the canadian I was meant to marry. frankly, I had totally forgotten my vow to hitch my wagon to one of those from the great white north. but alas, my dreams came true. and my canadian and I are deeply in love with each other and canada. so, happy canada day! in our household, we always have two sets of holidays to celebrate, which is particularly convenient since, if you know me, I love to celebrate. just for the sake of celebrating. and this week, we get two holidays filled with freedom and country pride and cookouts and yummy desserts. not to brag, but we are so blessed!

we also hit the one year mark of not having an official address today (we don't really have one of those in the caribbean). one year ago today, we packed up all of our belongings into storage and bid idaho goodbye. it has been such a crazy year to reach back and reflect upon. six months in canada; six months in the caribbean, thus far, and I cannot wait to see where else this crazy life takes us! so even if you're not canadian, take some time today to reflect on how far you've come and how fast life has changed in the short course of a year. think adventurously. 

I'm hoping all of your holiday weeks are going swell so far. this is such an exciting time of year! happy tuesday!

love, arielle

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