July 09, 2014


photos courtesy of pinterest

we all go through phases. whether it's that favorite food that you can't get enough of until that day you buy a whole pack  and later forget about it in the back of the fridge. or that favorite author you stalk the interwebs for any and all short stories she might have written and one month later, they're nothing more than a plate full of cookies in your cache. and then there are those phases you keep coming back to. pinterest is one of those latter phases. it's in good company right there next to nutella. I'll have months where I diligently pin every night before bed so as to wind down and then undergo weeks without it. this week has not been one of those weeks. this week, I've been going pin crazy and have found so many lovely outfits and views and home decor ::

001 :: this tulip & nettle top. really loving the feminine and airy feel. and note :: similar here and here.

002 :: the cutest little one wearing the cutest little dress. I'm actually wondering if it can me made in my size?! 

003 :: sprinkle soiree. if you follow me on insta, then you probably already know I am a huge fan of sprinkles. I can only imagine the gloriousness of having a whole party devoted to those little confectionary pieces of heaven. am I too old for a sprinkle-themed birthday party?

004 :: this indiana jones hat. I love the wide-but-not-too-wide brim. just enough to be noticeable. and I can only imagine all of the adventures wearing a hat like this ensues. the exact version is only available in black, but I love the oh-so-similar brown one here.

005 :: these milkmaiden braids. if a hairstyle could embody girly and rural at the same time, this would be the one. you can find a great tutorial here.

006 :: roses in newspaper. there is nothing quite like a plain-jane newspaper to bring out the natural beauty of a soft, pink rose. 

007 :: woolen blankets hanging on a line by the sea. the beautiful styling of this picture makes for the most perfect imagery. 

008 :: white lace with tassels. at first, I wasn't sure where the tassel train was going, but as of now, I really don't care. I am more than willing to hop on. love this and this and this, too.

009 :: these diy shopping bags. so idyllic stuffed with nutrients whilst walking around your local farmer's market.

010 :: tattered jeans with pointed sling-backs. a beautiful combination of masculine and feminine. both pieces are so versatile, that they would mingle well with anyone's existing wardrobe, don't you think? pick up those flats here. and I love these jeans.

011 :: lucite chairs. I don't think I could ever convince mitch to let me set these up at the dining room table in our dream home, but I do love the sleek and modern aesthetic of lucite and might just have to sneak them into less inhabited spaces where he might not notice ;)

012 :: this tartan cardinal print skirt. I could not find where this beautiful work of art was from ( #tumblrproblems ). so if someone could enlighten me, I would be forever grateful. see some other printed skirts I love here :: 
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

013 :: this floral fifties dress. the romantic in me just can't let this one go. and it's an etsy find! I do so love giving money to small business.

014 :: this vintage kitchen sink. the white is right up my alley and I love how it isn't set into the countertop. best with beautiful fresh blooms nearby, of course.

015 :: blue and green dotted dress. so laid back and comfortable and perfect for these warm summer evenings.

016 :: this masculine meets feminine design scheme. mitch even agreed to it! I love how this manly leather chair complements the girly paned windows and crown moulding. and of course, it's still nice and neutral.

017 :: summer hammock diy. as the days get warmer, the afternoons only get lazier. I am thinking that's a sign it is hammock season.

018 :: let yourself be flawed. a beautiful reminder to calm down during our quest for perfection. 

019 :: this standing split. impressive ballerinas always make me miss my days of ballet.

020 :: a gorgeously messy braid. diy here. I love all of amber's tutorials!

I think that's enough where that came from ( although, there is plenty more ). be sure to keep in touch via
and have a wonderful wednesday evening!

love, arielle


  1. Seriously, what did we ever do before Pinterest? Loving all of these, especially the braids ;)
    xo TJ


    1. seriously. I think I should get a redo of my wedding since it was pre-pinterest. it can't compete nowadays. and I actually linked to you on the milkmaid braids. I was going to send you a line before the end of tonight. hope that it's okay!

      love, arielle

    2. YES! All women who had marriages pre-pinterest are definitely in need of a redo. Let's do it! ;)

  2. Um... yes, I'm pretty sure we can make #2 in your size. =)

    1. so love that you knew this was directed at you ;)

      love, arielle
