October 29, 2014


so far, autumn has brought us so many wonderful things. it's brought later mornings and chillier evenings. it's brought corn mazes and walks through the pumpkin patch. it's brought plaid blanket scarves, oversized sweaters, faux-leather everything, and boots. lots of boots. being the pinterest junkie that I am, I pretty much obsess over all of this year's favorite fall trends. as a child who grew up in the nineties, I swore I would never go back there, which is incredibly tough to do when 'there' feels a little like home. a home chalk full of destroyed denim, birkenstocks, and too-long sleeves. probably the best and biggest difference is that I have a greater understanding of which trends to follow and which trends to pass up. or at least, I hope I do. I love all of the classic renditions of these nineties favorites. I seriously want to buy a croissant for whoever thought that up. so cheers to them. cheers to the nineties. and cheers to fall. we still get a whole month before stringing up some twinkle lights and calling it winter.

one :: white cable-knit. similar here and here.

two :: faux-leather leggings. similar here. 

three :: wide-legged corduroys. similar here. 
( and ahem, they're on sale. )

four :: the blanket scarf. scarf.

five :: boyfriend jeans and birks. jeans. birks.

six :: too-long sleeves. similar here

seven :: hand-knit scarves. pattern.

eight :: jacquard cardigan. similar here.

nine :: patagonia fleece. similar here.

ten :: the ankle boot wedge. similar here.

eleven :: fair isle sweaters. similar here.

twelve :: the classic pea coat. similar here.

thirteen :: floppy hats. similar here.

fourteen :: the sling-back bootie. similar here.

fifteen :: a brightly colored classic. see similar here.

sixteen :: an over-the-knee boot. similar here

seventeen :: oversized sweaters. love this and this.

eighteen :: a pair of faux-leather gloves. similar here.

nineteen :: dr. martens with socks. dr. martens. socks.

twenty :: bordeaux everything. see similar here and here.

I know my daily uniform is terribly unimaginative. it pretty much consists of washed out denim and my favorite birks. you know what they say :: when in paradise...

and it's already wednesday!? it's crazy how that happens. yesterday, I woke up and it felt like friday. when I found out it was only tuesday, I was a little disappointed. now today, I wake up and remember that it's wednesday and I can scarcely believe it! regardless, I really hope your weeks are going well. I will be spending my whole day waiting for a care package from my mom ( because that's where my candy corn is ) and doing absolutely nothing. sounds like some sort of wonderful, doesn't it? take care, everyone.

love, arielle

**see more fall everything via my pinboards


  1. Loving oversized sweaters too! Just waiting for it to cool down just a bit more here in LA so I can wear them :)

    Daisy | Simplicity Relished

    1. I am right there with you. it's just barely cool enough to wear them in an air conditioned room here in the caribbean ;) thanks so much for stopping by, daisy!

      love, arielle

  2. All of these autumn looks are just perfect! It's practically winter here in the United Kingdom, so I am bundled up and practically mummified in woolly scarves and jumpers and coats! Autumn never lasts long enough!

    Owl Girl | A London lifestyle blog

    1. candy, I am so envious of your perfect sounding autumn. I would give anything. as always, thanks so much for reading along!

      love, arielle

  3. The wide legged corduroys are to die. They're so fun & I'd love to see what kind of looks I could come up with. :] // itsCarmen.com ☼ ☯

    1. seriously! I love them in that color and since this post, I've also stumbled upon a burnt orange pair and I'm pretty much trying to justify them in our 80 degree weather. thanks for reading, carmen!

      love, arielle

  4. Oh gosh, really wishing I had all of these in my closet right about now! So lovely!!
    xo TJ


    1. that makes two of us! thanks, tj!

      love, arielle

  5. Long live the nineties, you're so right that after growing up with these trends it feels like home!!! I am so loving them all!

    Dimples of Dixie

    1. isn't it interesting? in high school, I remember thinking "oh my word, I'll never wear overalls again." but this summer, they were my go to. go figure. thanks for reading, emily!!

      love, arielle

  6. Replies
    1. me too! I love those open slouchy cardigans. they seriously look so comfortable and chic.

      love, arielle
