October 30, 2014


not quite sure what it is, but anytime somebody says "holiday!" I immediately think, "where are the sugar cookies?" this is probably the result of many a church function where we were ordered to decorate sugar cookies in all of the various seasonal shapes and frostings. trees and ornaments for christmas. hearts and lips for valentine's day. flowers for springtime. and of course, the notorious pumpkins and skulls for halloween. the sugar cookie recipe I used for these is by far and away my favorite sugar cookie recipe ever. and I mean ever. sugar cookies have the tendency to become dry all too quickly. these stay moist for days which puts them a cut above the rest. pun intended. too subtle? well, oh well. instead of rolling out and cutting this sugary dough, you simply roll the dough into little golf ball sized balls and flatten with a glass coated in salted sugar. I think it's this method that allows the center to remain a little thicker than the rest of the cookie, thereby keeping it moist. I love to stick these babies in the fridge for a sweet, cool treat smothered in frosting. and it is a seriously delicious vat of frosting.

now, for something not so traditional. in recent years, I've heard so many yammerings-on about a dirty diet coke. being somewhat of a diet coke connoisseur myself (if there ever was such a thing), obviously I had to try it! the big dilemma being where. nowhere that mitch and I have ever lived has graced us with so much as one dirty diet coke and so we simply went without. until I found a little recipe online. isn't that always the case, these days? where would we be without technology? anyway, mitch and I finally made our own the other night and it was a household winner. though, mitch did mention that it would have been better with root beer. I gently reminded him that then it would pretty much be a root beer float, which isn't nearly as exciting because we've all heard of those.

you can find the recipe for the best, seriously the best, sugar cookies via.

you can find the recipe for the dirty diet coke via.

so in case you've been living under a rock, misplaced your calendar, or haven't stepped foot in a craft store in the last month, tomorrow is halloween! and if you're looking for last minute treat ideas, give these sugar cookies a go. they really are winners. every last one of them. and your decorating is most likely loads better. I sort of gave up when I felt our average house temp hit 84 degrees (#islandproblems).

thanks so much for stopping by! and happy almost halloween!

love, arielle


  1. yum! sugar cookies are the best and yours looks delicious. a whole month with out going into a craft store! ? wow! I think the longest stretch I have done is maybe a couple of weeks.

    1. you are so lucky! craft stores here on the island aren't really craft stores so I'm excited to get back to the states and go nuts. thanks so much for stopping by, erika lee!

      love, arielle

  2. Yum! Sugar cookies are the best!! Unfortunately you usually don't find gluten free sugar cookies at holiday parties haha. But I'm definitely going to have to give that Dirty Diet Coke a try :)



    1. oh no! I will definitely keep an eye out for gluten-free sugar cookie recipes. sorry about that! thanks for reading, though, alexis!

      love, arielle

  3. Those look like the fluffiest sugar cookies EVER - I love those "super-unhealthy" ones by Tollhouse, but if I could make a homemade version of those where I can control the preservatives a little more, I am in love! Thanks for sharing this, girl. Happy early Halloween! :) Xo, Alison


    1. alison! I love the tollhouse cookie dough raw, but this is actually the first sugar cookie I have ever tried baked that I liked, as well. you should definitely give it a go and let me know how you like them! thanks for reading!

      love, arielle

  4. These look and sound SOOO good, I might have to make some sugar cookies for tonight!!

    Kristin xx

    1. these really are super good. if you ended up trying them, I hope they turned out deliciously. and of course, thank you for reading!

      love, arielle

  5. I’ve never heard about a dirty diet coke before, but honestly, few things seem more satisfying in life than that and those delicious sugar cookies!! - Stephanie


    1. stephanie, it was pretty much my daily diet for the two days before and after halloween. I had to go on a mini cleanse when it was all over. thanks so much for stopping by!

      love, arielle

  6. yumm
    hope you had a great halloween

    1. thank you so much! it was a perfectly chill and wonderful evening. I hope yours was as well!

      love, arielle

  7. Replies
    1. I know! they are pretty much amazing. thanks for reading, kelly. it means the world.

      love, arielle
