after three-and-some years of marriage, do mitch and I still count as newlyweds? probably not, huh? which is a shame since, for the most part, we still feel like newlyweds. especially 'round the holidays. I have a couple of theories as to why this is. it could be because we were (and are) so busy with school stuff that not a lot of original thought went into our traditions pre-graduation. or it could be because we are still in that phase of our lives when we visit our parents over the holidays and sort of just latch onto their holiday plans. either way, we are seriously in need of some holiday traditions all our own. and since this week we're celebrating our first ever on-our-own thanksgiving, pretty much the most wonderful holiday ever, I decided to begin with a simple one.
thanksgiving really is a time for cherishing loved ones, focusing outwards, and brightening someone else's day and I don't think it's a coincidence that I just happen to be in possession of the cutest, simplest 'thank you' notes at the same time I'm supposed to be giving thanks for all of the inspiring people in my life. so, I decided to put them to good use. every thanksgiving, I want to write my loved ones and let them know how grateful I am for them--to acknowledge the little things that shouldn't, but may, hang by the wayside throughout the rest of the year.
so if you're like me and looking to start some of your own traditions, try taking a morning to think and scribble down all of the reasons you love and are grateful for someone. it doesn't have to be on fancy paper. you could scribble it down on post its if that's what works for you. just let them know. this life really is a wonderful one, but it wouldn't be half as wonderful without the amazing people in our lives, wouldn't you agree?
what are some of your favorite thanksgiving or holiday traditions? I'd love to hear all about them and maybe even apply them in my own life. by all means, let me know below in the comments!
love, arielle
p.s. did you see this cookery book giveaway from yesterday?
** 'thank you' notes c/o tiny prints.
I absolutely LOVE this!
Lauren Elizabeth
Petite in Pearls
thanks so much, lauren! finding easy and inexpensive traditions is something I love, as well! I hope you're having a wonderful thanksgiving and thanks for stopping by here!
Deletelove, arielle
This has been the sweetest post I have read all day - the best part about the holidays is the opportunity to form new traditions so you have even more to look forward to next year! Also, love the cards from Tiny Prints. Those are so adorable. :) Cheers to a beautiful holiday season filled with traditions! Xo, Alison
alison, you always leave the nicest comments. seriously, they lift my day! I am always super excited for holidays because of all of the new traditions we get to try out and really love these because of how cute the stationary is. again, thanks so much for following along. you are always so nice.
Deletelove, arielle
I can relate about the lack of traditions. As a youth or college kid or anyone focusing on other things, traditions are not of utmost importance. Now that I'm older, I like to have little things to look forward to each year. Happy Thanksgiving! :] // ▲ ▲
ReplyDeletehappy thanksgiving, carmen! and it really is those little things that make holidays so special. thanks so much for following along. it means the world.
Deletelove, arielle
I think this is such a great tradition! far too often we let time go by without lettings those we are care about know just how special they are!! thanks for sharing!
Dimples of Dixie
so true. often, I feel like we just take all of the little things for granted, so it's nice to really sit down and ponder, you know? thanks so much for stopping by and happy thanksgiving!
Deletelove, arielle
I love those cards! the handwriting is so pretty <3
oh hayley, thank you! I'm so glad you think so. hope you're having a wonderful thanksgiving and a wonderful week!
Deletelove, arielle
What a beautiful idea! So excited to have found your blog through Cider with Rosie :)
hey, me too! thanks so much for dropping a line and have a very happy thanksgiving!
Deletelove, arielle
such a cute idea, i love this & such a great tradition!
thanks, kerry! and it's so easy..if that makes any sense at all. I love that all you really need is pen and paper. thank you for stopping by and have a great week!
Deletelove, arielle