November 26, 2014


by now, it's definitely no secret that thanksgiving is my favorite (and I do mean favorite!) holiday and is surrounded by my favorite time of year. and if you're like me (an everloving procrastinator) and you're still trying to sort out your thanksgiving tablescape, then this one's for you! or even if you live abroad and thanksgiving is really just the last thursday in november to you, then here is some final autumnal tablescape inspiration! it's chock-full of lush greenery, dreamy twinkle lights, and obviously, pumpkin. 

one :: a thanksgiving by the seaside. in a perfect world, this is what our caribbean thanksgiving would look like. but in the spirit of full disclosure,  it will most likely look much more 'real life' than this idyllic seaside tablescape. and is it just me, or is it like the article says--twinkle lights really do make everything better?

two :: a thanksgiving in the orchard. years from now, in the scenario where we don't end up in canada where november's frozen tundra would most likely upend any hope of dining outside, I can totally see mitch and me and whatever children the good lord sends us dining in our intimate, little orchard thanking the lord for each other and this beautiful earth that we live on. 

three :: boxwood favors. before my days are through, I hope to hostess a really fancy thanksgiving. and I mean a really fancy one! one where the guests get to take home their very own festive plant to nurture and care for all winter long. and the way pottery barn styled this whole get-together really has me weak in the knees. 

four :: tablerunning greenery. lit with candlesticks intermingled with votives and crystal goblets. there's just something about simple assortments of local flora that makes life so much more 'alive' and worth living.

five :: tapered candles indoors surrounded by those beautiful place settings and the earth's most cozy and intimate lighting--two things that are critical to any good thanksgiving. this will probably be the thanksgiving mitch and me and all of those little kids enjoy in the scenario where we do end up in canada.

six. gourdeous centerpieces. and I didn't come up with that joke, the ritzy bee blog did. I just found it super clever. as is this beautiful pumpkin centerpiece. because really, what denotes thanksgiving and autumn and abundance more than pumpkin? I couldn't think of it, either.

and so how goes your final thanksgiving preparations? I'll be honest, I'm dreadfully behind. and would I really be me if I wasn't? I finally got the shopping done, but have yet to put any plans into action. thankfully (pun intended), I've got a whole day left of this amazing thanksgivingness to get it together. 

as always, thank you so much for reading and if you haven't already, be sure to drop by this little giveaway. it doesn't end till friday.

love, arielle

**to see more autumnal inspiration, feel free to check out my pinterest boards.


  1. ah, these are all so dreamy. i could only wish/hope to have a thanksgiving like one of these one day!

    1. I am right there with you, kerry! our thanksgiving will be far messier and 'thrown' together than any of these. I hope your day is wonderful. thanks for stopping by!

      love, arielle

  2. I love the golden pumpkin centrepiece.

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

    1. it is super cute. and probably so easy to assemble on your own, you know? though, I frequently overestimate things like that. happy thanksgiving and thanks for stopping by, elizabeth!

      love, arielle
